Unable to register Core2 using setup wizard

I was able to flash my sd card and and get through the initial processes without any issues, but when I run the setup wizard and try register my product using the QR code it tells me that it is, “not able to process that request at this time”. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way around this using a product code? If so, where do it retrieve it from? I am using an iPhone, iPad tablet and I have the Asus Tinker board as my SBC.

Hi R_Davis.

On first step try to close aplication and run hConfig one more time, probably it will help. We gonna fix this issue in next update od hConfig. We really sorry for the problem.


Thanks for the quick response!

Ok the setup wizard sequence in H-Config appears to have been successful, however when I log into the Husarion cloud it still tells me that I don’t have any devices registered with the cloud yet.

Read this topic carefully:

I think you can have the same problem. Try first with pushed “reset” button.


Ok thanks again. I’m not really acclimated to using CLI yet, but I was wondering if this method was ok for changing lines of code on the disk image or should I wait for the update?

Hi R_Davis.

Sorry, but I don’t understand what you mean. Do you asking about changing OS code or just want to install new packages?


In your previous response you sent me reply regarding a problem regarding a latency issue between the Core2 and the Tinker board. You told me how to reset the Core2 and the Tinker Board, but you also said that the problem was easy to fix by deleting a line and adding a new function. I guess my question is how do I go about changing this. I am referencing this function:

void platformStart()
Delete this line:

And add one line in the begining of main function:


My question to you is how do I about adding these few lines to the Core2?

Hi R_Davis.

OK, now I get it. If you want to change code flashed on CORE2 you have to connect your device via WiFi to husarion cloud or via USB to your computer. In first case you flash new program by our IDE, in second case by our extension in Visual Studio Code. You can find the toutorials here:

Online tools
Offline tools

I hope you find here answers for all your questions.
