[Solved] 7. SLAM navigation and ROSbot 2.0 Lidar issue


I am currently following the SLAM navigation tutorial with my ROSbot 2.0 robot.

After running roscore , when I execute docker compose up -d rosbot ros-master rplidar , I encounter a result similar to the provided image, and the LIDAR does not rotate.

How can I resolve this issue?

Thank you.

Hi @chokings!
ROSbot 2 is discontinued and it is not compatible with ROS 1 tutorials.
I have 2 solutions for you:

  1. Try to use docker-compose instead docker compose. If that won’t work you have to install new version of docker and docker compose. Follow the second solution.
  2. Follow this docker installation guide Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu | Docker Documentation.

Please inform me which solution works for you and feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,

Hi @JakubDelicat

  1. It not work for me.

  2. During the installation process, when executing step 3 of the “Set up the repository” section, an error occurs bionic stable: No such file or directory.

Thank you.

Please send the output of docker compose up -d rosbot ros-master rplidar.

Best regards,

  1. run docker compose up -d rosbot ros-master rplidar

  2. run docker-compose up -d rosbot ros-master rplidar

Thank you.

Hello @chokings

Thank you for sending screenshots.

As you wrote above, you have a problem installing the latest version of Docker/Docker Compose according to the instructions sent by @JakubDelicat . The solution to this problem may be longer than the following idea.

You definitely have an old version of Docker/Docker Compose on ROSbot 2.0 which uses the syntax docker-compose instead of docker compose. For this old version, the default file name is not compose.yaml as you probably have. The default name is docker-compose.yaml. Try renaming your file and it should work.

If there are new problems related to version something, you need to edit the .yaml file adding a line at the beginning specifying the file version number, similarly to the .yaml files from this example:

version: '1.0'

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @JanBrzyk

Thank you for the answer.

Where is the compose.yaml file?
I couldn’t find it.

Hello @chokings

in the no longer supported ROSbot 2.0, these files probably do not exist in the default configuration.

Depending on whether you want to operate on ROS 1 or ROS 2 containers, take a look at the following files from the rosbot-configs repository:

ROS Noetic compose.yaml

ROS 2 Humble compose.yaml

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @JanBrzyk

I install the robot-configs follow the linke.

When I run setup_robot_configuration $ROBOT_MODEL $ROS_VERSION , I had an error.

Hello @chokings

Yes, I slightly misled you and I’m sorry.

Your robot is ROSbot 2.0 which has a Tinkerboard SBC inside. One of the main reasons why we no longer support this robbot is because the architecture of this SBC is arm and not e.g. adm64/arm64. If you visit our Docker images page, you will see that only a few Docker images can be run on the arm architecture.

In this case, I leave it to you to modify the compose.yaml file so that you don’t use images with the humble tag, but only with tags compatible with your arm architecture, for example husarion/rosbot/melodic.

You can also run the following command to make sure what version of Robot Operating System you have natively installed on your ROSbot:

ls /opt/ros/

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @JanBrzyk

Is there any other way to get Lidar’s scan data?

Thank you.

Hello @chokings

You may find the old Husarion repositories useful, such as this:

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @JanBrzyk

I checked the link you shared.
When I download and run rplidar-docker from the provided link, an error occurs as shown in the figure.


Is there a way to directly launch the rplidar using a launch file?

Thank you.

Hello @chokings

To run rplidar with native ROS, please refer to the manufacturer’s documentation:

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @JanBrzyk

When I run the command ‘roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar_a3.launch’, I encounter the following error message.

Upon checking the launch file, it appears to be configured with ttyUSB0, and when I check /dev, I can see that there is only one connected USB device, ttyUSB0.

@chokings are you sure you have rplidar in A3 version?

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @JanBrzyk

I checked that the rplidar of ROSbot 2.0 is A2.

Then I install the rplidar package in /home/husarion/husarion_ws/src file.
After that, I run catkin_make.

When I run roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar_a2m8.launch, I had a following error.
All the other launch files have same result.

How can I fix it?

Thank you.


unfortunately, rplidar is not our product and its ROS interface is maintained by the manufacturer - Slamtec. Try searching for a solution, for example, on Slamtec’s github (e.g. Operation time out lidar · Issue #5 · Slamtec/rplidar_ros · GitHub) or by e-mail at support@slamtec.com

Best regards
Jan Brzyk


What version of lidar is installed on the ROSbot 2.0 in the picture below?

Thank you.


it is A2M8.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk