[Solved] Control Model for Telepresence Robot

Would you have a Matlab/Simulink model by chance for the model mentioned here? self-balancing-telepresence-robot/diagram_pid.png at master · husarion/self-balancing-telepresence-robot · GitHub

Hi PureRockets,

Unfortunately we don’t use Matworks software, so we also don’t have this model for Matlab/Simulink.


Got it. How did you generate that image, what modeling software DO you use?

Hi PureRockets,

We used https://www.draw.io/. It’s very helpful tool for creating diagrams.


Yes, that’s just for drawing. I was inquiring about the mathematical/physics model of the controller/plant, from first principles. Otherwise I assume you tuned the PID parameters through empirical testing?

Hi PureRockets,

We used Ziegler–Nichols Method to get approximate PID parameters. Next we conducted empirical tests to refine the parameter values as you assumed.

Best regards,