[Solved] Error when building rosbot_ros2_firmware

Hi @JanBrzyk

building the firmware works now - thanks.
But I am having trouble with uploading the firmware via STLink from the VSC terminal:

husarion@6e96541ebad4:~/rosbot_ros2_firmware$ pio run --target upload
Processing core2 (platform: ststm32@15.4.1; framework: mbed; board: core2)
Tool Manager: Installing platformio/tool-stm32duino @ ~1.0.1
Error: You are not connected to the Internet.
PlatformIO needs the Internet connection to download dependent packages or to work with PlatformIO Account.

My browser works, has this something to do with docker or the devcontainer?
Did I miss some configuration (I am a complete newbie to Docker)?

After restarting my VM and running VSC again in devcontainer I get the message that PlatformIO cannot be activated because C/C++ extension has to be reloaded, but reloading results in the PlatformIO activation error message and so on …
