[Closed] Panel crashed too many times error after flashing the SD card

I flashed the SD card with the ROS Noetic image for ROSbot 2R using this link: Installing Husarion OS | Husarion

However, after doing so, when booting there is a crash report saying “Panel crashed too many times” “Runner crashed too many times” and “Policy Kit Handler crashed too many times”.

The version of the OS I had before was working ok. Is there a way to access older OS images?

Hello @AkshayaKS

I saw and addressed this issue also on our email support@husarion.com. Just to be sure, I’m reposting the answer below:

In fact, this version of the image from ROS Noetic (husarion-rpi-ros-noetic-2023-03-22.img.xz) turned out to be buggy and was misplaced as a download link for the latest working version.

Now on the site Installing Husarion OS | Husarion there is already a corresponding link with a stable image (husarion-rpi-ros-noetic-2023-03-12.img.xz). Just download it and re-upload it to the mircoSD card.

Sorry for the inconvenience and hope you’re okay now.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Thank you @JanBrzyk. I will try flashing the SD card with this stable image.

Hello @AkshayaKS

Let me know if the described problem has disappeared for you.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @JanBrzyk,

I flashed the SD card with the old image. I no longer get the crashed too many times error. However, there are some smaller issues I see. For example, the background is not loaded. The wifi symbol shows not connected when it is connected to the wifi:

Hello @AkshayaKS

The errors you describe are quite non-standard, but they should not prevent ROSbot from working.

The wallpaper is located under the path: /usr/share/wallpapers/Husarion/husarion_1.jpg

To check your wifi connection, you can use the following command:

sudo iwgetid

Best regards
Jan Brzyk