[Solved] Frame_id missing in range/xx topics


I recognized that the /range/xx topics do not include a frame_id (empty field). Is this on purpose? How can I add a frame_id to distinguish the different Range messages?
Best Regards


udomi@udo-nano:~$ rostopic echo /range/rr -n1
seq: 1
secs: 1625228740
nsecs: 757194950
frame_id: ‘’
radiation_type: 1
field_of_view: 0.259999990463
min_range: 0.0299999993294
max_range: 0.899999976158
range: 0.614000022411

Hi udo,

frame_id is optional. Probably that’s the reason it wasn’t set here. The sensors are distinguished by their name. For example /range/rr stands for rear right sensor. You will have to subscribe to all topics separately so it should be enough to distinguish them.
If you still want to add frames you can do so by adding them manually. While subscribing to the topic you can fill the empty field in the callback function.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Wojciechowski.

hi Krzysztof,

thanks for the feedback. I got it to work.

Best regards
