Wifi problem with Rosbot 2.0


I have succesfully installed the route_admin_panel on ROSBOT 2.0.
When I run the roslaunch route_admin_panel demo_rosbot_mbed_fw.launch everything works fine for a a view minutes and the the wifi connection seems to fail.
I am running ros on 2 machines connected via wifi.
start roscore on my desktop
connect desktop via ssh with Rosbot
run roslaunch route_admin_panel demo_rosbot_mbed_fw.launch via ssh on rosbot 2.0
connect from desktop to ROSBOT_IP_ADDRESS:8000
I get the webui and can navigate rosbot.
after a short time the ssh connection to rosbot breaks.
What may cause this problem?
My wifi signal is quite good and the robot is just a view meters away from the wifi repeater.

Best Regards


Hi Udo,

I have succesfully installed the route_admin_panel on ROSBOT 2.0.

I don’t understand what do you mean, this software is preinstalled on all ROSbot’s. If you install it one more time it can be in more than one directory which can cause such issue. If you want to use route_admin_panel the easiest way will be downloading newest ROSbot image and flash it on SD card from robot. RAP is working out of the box, so you don’t have to install anything.

Here you can find a manual how to do it.

Please let me know if this solution suits you.

Best regards,

Hello Hubert,
thanks for the answer. Any idea why the wifi connection fails? I have multiple AP in my place.
Thanks and best regards

Hi Udo,

Braked connection through ssh may have many causes.

It can be some damaged hardware on ROSbot (antenna, cables or WiFi module) it is easy to check. Please connect your ROSbot to display, and ping some external server. If you didn’t see any issues it’s mean that problem is somewhere else.

It also can be problem with too many WiFi networks, devices etc. in the same channel.

You should also try to connect ROSbot to another network (different AP) to rule out a hardware problem between those two devices.

Best regards,