Panther 1.2: Missing imu_data/topics/services/nodes

Hello @nicholaschan23,
The link you provided leads to documentation for ROS 1 noetic. However, I see from the topics that you are using ROS 2.
Documentation for ROS 2 can be found ROS 2 Beta API | Husarion.
So the current topic name for imu is /imu/data.

However, I see that you have both:
as well as imu_broadcaster/imu. So you are probably using the Alpha version of our software and I recommend checking both of these topics.
You may also want to consider upgrading to a Beta image.

As for the imu_calibrated website. It is currently not available because in ROS2 we execute this script right at the beginning of the driver startup.

I hope the answer will be useful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate.