[Closed] Wifi-Heatmap Building inside Docker

We are working inside a single docker and have to build inside it. When we attempt to build (scripts/build.sh or colcon build), it says:

[0.376s] ERROR:colcon:colcon build: Duplicate package names not supported:

How would we get around this error considering these two rosbot_interfaces are identical?

More information:
We are using a rosbot2r with ros2. We would like to use nav2 with the wifi heatmap.


Hello @Talia_Wigder

If I understand correctly you are trying to build both mapper-packages and nav2-wifi-heatmap in one workspace in one container. If that is the case I would suggest removing one instance of rosbot_interfaces package (preferably from .../nav2-wifi-heatmap/src/). Then the issue with double packages should be resolved.

I hope this helps. If I misunderstood your issue or you find any more problems, please let me know
Kind regards
Stanisław Dudiak

Hi @sdudiak01
The offical husarion rosbot demo wifi heatmap github has two instances of rosbot_interfaces. Is there a reason to have two of them?
I’d like in the end to use nav2 so would prefer not to just delete the folder there.


The github repository has two instances of this package because the mapper-packages are intended to run on user’s PC, while nav2-wifi-heatmap is running on ROSbot. Software instances on ROSbot and PC both need access to ‘rosbot-interfaces’ to be able to communicate with each other.

In your case these two packages run on the same machine in the same container in the same workspace, so if just the mapper-packages has the rosbot-interfaces package, the nav2-wifi-heatmap (and any other package in this workspace) will have access to it.

If you want to find out more on how the software present on github is running in the final application, I encourage you to check out the Dockerfiles in both packages and the docker-compose folder.

Please contact me if you require more information.
Stanisław Dudiak