Control rs232 device

Hi all,

I would like to control RS232 device through SBC (Tinket board)'s serial communications interface(/dev/ttys0 etc). Do I need a serial to RS232 converter for that?

Also which uarts pins (hExt3, hExt4, hRPI) are connected to which linux interface (/dev/ttys0,ttys1…s4). It is not mentioned in user guide.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, If you want to control something over RS232 interface and through SBC, the best option seems to be using USB-to-RS232 converter, like these ones: USB RS232 Cable Series - FTDI .

UARTs on hExt and hSens connectors are not directly accessible from a level of SBC - they are controlled by STM32F4 microcontroller and are in 3.3V standard, so to use them in RS232 standard you will need additional chip, like max232.

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