Download Melodic Image for ROSbot 2


The links to download only has Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS Noetic + Docker + Husarnet client is there a way to re install Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic for ROSbot 2.0. In this link ( Downloads | Husarion ) there is only the download for Noetic. Where can I download the installation image for RosBot 2 ?

Thanks in advance,


Hello @CataSch and welcome to Husarion Community!

Here you will find what you need:

For ROSbot 2 only ROS Noetic image is available, as Melodic is EoL and not supported by us.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

But their is no image for Noetic for arm. I have a ROS2 but is not usable at all.

As I read is says the support ends on 31st so what is the support can you give me now, before the end date?

Is there a way to change the board of ROSbot 2 to a rasberrypi?

But their is no image for Noetic for arm. I have a ROS2 but is not usable at all.

I answered this question here:

This thread will be developed here: