I want to use make a robot having 4 Dc motors and my minimum payload requirement for robot is 30Kg and total robot weight will not more than 50kg.
Please help me if anyone have experience on it or this controller can do this task for motors?
Is it possible to use an external high power H-bridge with it to rum a high power motor like more than 10A rated current motor?
I want now that it is possible to control this type of 4*DC motor named “MMP S22-346F-24V GP52-079” having 57 RPM,172 IN-LBS Torque, 7.9 A Rated Current and applied voltage will be 24volts for each motor and for this a external voltage supply will use.
I thought is was max 2Amp peak and 1A constant for the built-in h-bridge. I often us the BTN7960B/BTS7960B h-bridge boards, the BTN7960B chip is rated to 43A. Max current I’ve tested with the h-bridge is 9A and that works fine.
we at Husarion have used BTN8962B with CORE2 with no problems. It’s very similar to BTN7960B.
I suggest using the module like that: Large Current Motor Driver Module BTS7960 - 43A [BTS7960-Modules] - US $12.00 : HAOYU Electronics : Make Engineers Job Easier
But it needs some modifications. The output voltage from H-bridge on CORE2 can be much higher than 5V (the input logic level of the module) and it the input of the module should be protected. The simplest way to do it is to use a voltage divider with diodes that will cut higher voltage. You can use Zener diodes or, better, Schottky diodes that can return current to the 5V line of CORE2.
Below you can see the complete schematic of the custom module that we have used with CORE2:
It is also possible but if you simply connect the gates to the H-bridge output, the cross-conduction current will occur during switching from low to high output state. Therefore, the large spike of current will be generated on the power supply line, which can cause unexpected behavior. It is not a recommended solution.