Flash fimware failed on ROSBOT 2 PRO with ROS NOETIC installation

I am following the new OS installation steps as described in Installing Husarion OS | Husarion.

After this when i try to run teleop node, the rosbot is not moving and the cmd_vel topic is empty.

I also tried to run ./flash_firmware.sh and I am getting an error flashing failed error code:
“WARNING! Flashing went wrong.” and most of the devices are giving error : “STDERR:
Failed to init device.”

Can someone help me with this.


Hello Jay,

Pleas try:
docker pull husarion/rosbot:noetic

and then

docker stop rosbot ros-master
docker run --rm -it --privileged husarion/rosbot:noetic \
/flash-firmware.py /root/firmware_diff.bin

Let me know if this helped.

This worked and docker modules for rosbot and ros-master are working now. Thank you for the help.