Getting Started With ROS and SLAM

Hello all,
I want to implement SLAM using ROS for a project. I am very new to these concepts. The hardware I have is a xbox Kinect. I need to learn it as fast as possible…Can you please help me out in figuring out how to implement it using Kinect.

Thank you.

Hi Ractim.

Here you can find very easy instruction about how to fake 2D laser scan from xbox kinect depth sensor. If you want to do it by yourself use pointcloud_to_laserscan. When you get laserscan you can follow ROS tutrial #6 from our website. In case of any problem feel free to ask about everything.


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If you want to learn ROS navigation really fast then you can do the online course ROS Navigation in 5 days, where you learn all you need to do navigation with ROS and a wheeled robot and a sensor.