Move rosbot2 with keyboard

I need to run rosbot2 in Gazebo and use the keyboard to move it.
In Terminal 1: roscore
Next, display rosbot2 in Gazebo
in terminal 2:
source …the path/
roslaunch rosbot_description rosbot.launch
Next, move with keyboard
in terminal 3:
source …the path/
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

However, the rosbot2 does not move.

appreciate help.

I have just tried it in Ubuntu 18 and ROS Melodic and can confirm it works.
Assuming you have had a problem free installation and setup, the most obvious problem is that the keyboard input terminal is not in focus. After that I would take a close look at the output from the launch files, see if any errors were encountered.


thanks for reply. the terminal tab that contains “rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard” is active, and has the focus. But, I don’t know how to “take a close look at the output from the launch files, see if any errors were encountered.”

Well, my rosbot moves, but it takes very long time. Any suggestions?

Many thanks

Gazebo can be very resource hungry. Are you running it in a virtual machine? If so can you give the virtual machine more memory? As an example, simulations I run in a VM are on a mobile i7 with 4GB or memory and are still relatively slow, up to 10 frames per second.
One tip for speeding up Gazebo is, in Gazebo, in the World tab click Scene and uncheck Shadows.
Just for info, “take a close look at the output from the launch files, see if any errors were encountered.”
Means once the command has been run look closely at what follows the command in the terminal, there may be warnings or errors that give an indication to the problem.