Panther: Enable aux_power by default

Our lab recently purchased 2 husarion panthers v1.2. They have ROS2 by default and we have been trying to enable the aux_power via the service call.

  1. After calling the ROS service, aux_power never gets enabled and the service never returns. Has anyone seen this issue before?
  2. Once we resolve how to enable the aux_power, is there a way to have it enabled on boot?

Thank you!

UPDATE: I was successful in enabling the aux_power but only by entering into the panther_ros docker shell and calling the ROS service from within the container. The service does not return if you are ssh’d into a regular session on the husarion computer.

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Most likely you have to use Cyclone DDS when calling Panther services. You can do this by running on User Computer:

export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp

To make this persist between boots:

echo "export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp" >> ~/.bashrc

The reason is that User Computer has default ROS 2 installation that uses Fast DDS by default and the Panther driver uses Cyclone DDS for performance reliability.

There is no default way to enable AUX on boot. I suggest adding a service call when running the driver for the device that uses AUX power, for example, in a ROS launch file. Alternatively, you can create a system service that will run on boot and will wait for the service to be available, and then call it.
