Position in some ROS topic


I want to program my own controller in the ROSbot, for this reason I would like to know what topic I can get the measurement of linear position in x and y to feedback in the control law?.


Hello @Yams

everything should be explained in our ROSbot Manual in two versions depending on whether you are using ROS or ROS 2:

Additionally, you can learn the basics of mobile robot kinematics with our ROS Tutorials:

Best regards
Jan Brzyk


Thak you for your help, I have solved my problem using the odom topic, but I have noticed that is not very acurrate, since when doing several test the Rosbot does not return to the point maked as the origin, but to a few cm and when doing it for a longer time it moves further away, for this reson I would like to know if this have solution?


Hello @Yams

You describe the basic problems of the theory of mobile robotics, and more specifically, the position reading drift from circular odometry. Different combinations of robot positioning, readings from different sensors, etc. must be used to achieve precision. For example, the SLAM algorithm described here (it will be also updated to the newest version in few days):

Your doubts do not enter into technical problems with Husarion robots, so I will not be able to help you further, but I encourage the rest of the Husarion Community to discuss substantively!

Best regards
Jan Brzyk


Thank you so much for your help, for now these are all my doubts.


Hi @Yams

I’m glad. I’ll leave the topic open for a couple of weeks if anyone else wants to comment on sensory fusion and the problem you’re describing :smiley:

Best regards
Jan Brzyk