Problems when using husarion/rosbot:noetic in ROSbot 2

Have a ROSbot 2, updated to Noetic but have this problem with the docker image, I looked and arm it is only available for Melodic but cant find an image for installing Melodic in ROSbot 2

Unable to find image ‘husarion/rosbot:noetic’ locally
noetic: Pulling from husarion/rosbot
docker: no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries.

Hello @CataSch

ROSbot 2 is unfortunately no longer supported by us and its architecture is not adapted to most of the Docker images we offer. In the link below you will find a full table of our Docker images along with their compatibility with different architectures (e.g. arm - which is for ROSbot 2, adm64, arm64 etc.)

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

So what can I do, because there is no image for Noetic in arm and there is no way to download melodic now. I undestand is no longer supported but there should be a way to keep using it.

Hello @CataSch

Nothing prevents you from using docker images based on another ROS distribution while operating on another native ROS. Launched Docker containers are completely independent of the natively installed ROS distribution on the robot.

For example, on the OS image with ROS Noetic on ROSbot 2 with the Tinker Board (arm architecture), you can use the image with the melodic Tag, which works with the arm architecture. This is the power of Docker.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk