
My two front range sensors have frequent I2C errors. When I accidentally pulled the connection loose while retrieving a sd card I may have damaged a sensor or something else is going on. I’m interested in replacing them or upgrading all four to some laser range sensors that I found that can be cascaded using either an uart or can connection. I just don’t know the dimensions of the current range sensors so I know what modifications might be required to use them. If you can provide some information on any of the above it would be greatly appreciated.

Hi hskramer,

I’m sorry to hear about your issue.

May I ask you to send me SN of your ROSbot (by private message if you prefer)?

Previously we used to add Sharp distance sensor to ROSbot 2.0, but from more than two years all ROSbot’s have custom-made laser distance sensors using 4x VL53L0X. Of course replacing is possible :slight_smile:

Please let me know what model of sensor do you want to use on your own and I will check if connecting them to Robot is possible.

Best regards,