ROSbot 2 PRO - no IMU topic visible

How can I access to the IMU info (roll, pitch, yaw) on my Rosbot 2.0 PRO? Does the robot have a topic (/imu) with that info? Bc I am not able to access to that topic.

Thanks in advance

Hello @iluque1

Sorry for the long waiting time. I reproduced your problem. It may be a matter of slight incompatibility of the latest version of the firmware with the content of the file described here. I will look into it and let you know soon.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @iluque1,

I am very sorry for a long wait.
We’ve made some changes to the documentation. At this point, if you follow the step-by-step instructions described HERE, you should be able to easily access the /imu_broadcaster/imu ROS2 topic, where you will find data that was previously invisible to you.

Let me know if this solution works for you.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk


thank you for your answer. I followed the instructions step by step, but when I run the following command:
‘rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard’,
I don’t get the usage instruction that should follow. Actually, no answer is received and the robot does not move if I use the keys.

The only difference I got during the whole process arrives when looking for the ‘rostopic list’. There are a few of them that appear for you, but not for me: ‘battery’, ‘buttons’,‘cmd_ser’,‘velocity’. May this have anything to do with the fact that my robot does not move with the ‘’ command?

Hello @iluque1,

are you sure that the content of compose.yaml file on your ROSbot 2 PRO is EXACTLY the same compering to this: ROSbot 2 PRO - quick start | Husarion ?

To be sure, you use the OS image for ROSbot 2 PRO with ROS Noetic?

Best regards
Jan Brzyk