Hello, I am wondering if I can open the camera in the ROSbot 2R simulation environment in Gazebo. If I run:
$ ros2 launch rosbot_gazebo simulation.launch.py
There is no camera data if I try to see in the rqt
Hello, I am wondering if I can open the camera in the ROSbot 2R simulation environment in Gazebo. If I run:
$ ros2 launch rosbot_gazebo simulation.launch.py
There is no camera data if I try to see in the rqt
Hello @ertyu116,
Currently, there is no support for publishing camera data on the jazzy branch. You can use the humble branch, which is dedicated to ROSbot 2R. The jazzy branch is being developed primarily for ROSbot 3 and the camera simulation will most likely appear within a few weeks.
Is there any way I can publish the camera data from jazzy for rosbot2r? Should I make my own urdf and setup camera configuration,?
Hello @ertyu116,
You can add the following code to simulate camera in Gazebo:
<gazebo reference="${reference_frame}">
<sensor type="rgbd_camera" name="${sensor_name}">
Remember that gazebo topics are different from ROS fingers, so it is necessary to also add information to gz_ros_bridge, which will convert the gazebo news to ROS.