Rosbot 2R: Orbbec camera fps is low


I realized that the fps is 17 when I publish just camera data. However, If I publish other controller data related to microros and rosbot, the fps of camera data published was 1 fps. I am wondering why it became too slow and how can I improve the speed when subscribing the camera data.


Hello @yongyun_song,

If the problem occurs when running another microrosa process, it is worth examining the process that is being started.

  1. Are any other processes being slowed down?
  2. Investigate CPU load?
  3. If you can, check whether the problem is in the code or in the activation of the additional node itself.
    If the empty node itself is working, it will most likely be something with the code.
  4. Check whether the DDS configuration is consistent between processes.

I would also like to ask you to describe the functionality for which the new process is responsible.


  1. No, only the camera’s FPS was slowed down. For example, the LiDAR’s FPS was 10.

  2. Not yet, but I will let you know later.

  3. I ran the code from astra-docker git repo, but I am not sure if the problem lies in this code.

  4. How can I check the dds setting? Should I change from dds to fastdds?

  5. Here are the topics from robot when I running rosbot, micros, rplidar and astra camera. I ran the rosbot, micros, rplidar from this repo







































I must admit that it’s hard for me to say what the problem might be. With the current information I don’t know if I can be of any more help. I’m sorry.