Route Admin Panel Error

I’m running RosBot 2.0. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Re-flash SD card with ROS 2 (dashing) image.

  2. Run ~/

  3. Run the following command, and this is the output:

    husarion@husarion:~$ ros2 launch route_admin_panel

    [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/husarion/.ros/log/2020-08-19-22-05-25-784065-husarion-22432
    [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
    [INFO] []: process started with pid [22444]
    [INFO] [map_to_img_node-2]: process started with pid [22446]
    [INFO] [rplidar_composition-3]: process started with pid [22448]
    [INFO] [static_transform_publisher-4]: process started with pid [22449]
    [INFO] [world_model-5]: process started with pid [22450]
    [INFO] [dwb_controller-6]: process started with pid [22451]
    [INFO] [navfn_planner-7]: process started with pid [22452]
    [INFO] [recoveries_node-8]: process started with pid [22453]
    [INFO] [bt_navigator-9]: process started with pid [22456]
    [INFO] [lifecycle_manager-10]: process started with pid [22471]
    [] /home/husarion/husarion_ws/install/route_admin_panel/share/route_admin_panel/launch
    [rplidar_composition-3] [INFO] [rplidar_composition]: RPLIDAR running on ROS 2 package rplidar_ros. SDK Version: ‘1.10.0’
    [dwb_controller-6] [INFO] [dwb_controller]: Creating
    [navfn_planner-7] [WARN] [rcl.logging_rosout]: Publisher already registered for provided node name. If this is due to multiple nodes with the same name then all logs for that logger name will go out over the existing publisher. As soon as any node with that name is destructed it will unregister the publisher, preventing any further logs for that name from being published on the rosout topic.
    [dwb_controller-6] [INFO] [local_costmap.local_costmap]: Creating Costmap
    [lifecycle_manager-10] [INFO] [lifecycle_manager_control]: Creating
    [recoveries_node-8] [WARN] [rcl.logging_rosout]: Publisher already registered for provided node name. If this is due to multiple nodes with the same name then all logs for that logger name will go out over the existing publisher. As soon as any node with that name is destructed it will unregister the publisher, preventing any further logs for that name from being published on the rosout topic.
    [rplidar_composition-3] [INFO] [rplidar_composition]: RPLIDAR S/N: CABC9A87C5E392D2A5E492F85A69316C
    [rplidar_composition-3] [INFO] [rplidar_composition]: Firmware Ver: 1.25
    [rplidar_composition-3] [INFO] [rplidar_composition]: Hardware Rev: 5
    [rplidar_composition-3] [INFO] [rplidar_composition]: RPLidar health status : ‘0’
    [lifecycle_manager-10] [INFO] [lifecycle_manager_control]: Starting the system bringup…
    [lifecycle_manager-10] [INFO] [lifecycle_manager_control]: Creating and initializing lifecycle service clients
    [lifecycle_manager-10] [INFO] [lifecycle_manager_control]: Configuring and activating world_model
    [recoveries_node-8] [INFO] [recoveries]: Configuring Spin
    [recoveries_node-8] [INFO] [recoveries]: Configuring BackUp
    [rplidar_composition-3] [INFO] [rplidar_composition]: current scan mode: Express, max_distance: 12.0 m, Point number: 4.0K , angle_compensate: 1
    [map_to_img_node-2] [INFO] [map_to_img_node]: publish_map_metadata declared
    [map_to_img_node-2] [INFO] [map_to_img_node]: Will publish metadata
    [] Map scale: [ 10 , 250 ]
    [] Use simulation time: false
    [] Config file does not exist, create default.
    [] Save config:
    [] { mapMode: ‘SLAM’,
    [] customMapFileName: ‘’,
    [] customMapFileExt: ‘’,
    [] autosaveEnable: true,
    [] targetList: TargetList { targets: [] } }
    [] listening on *:8000
    [] About to exit with code: 1
    [] internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:638
    [] throw err;
    [] ^
    [] Error: Cannot find module ‘./slam_toolbox__srv__SerializePoseGraph_Response.js’
    [] at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:636:15)
    [] at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:562:25)
    [] at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17)
    [] at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18)
    [] at Function.get Response [as Response] (/home/husarion/rclnodejs/generated/slam_toolbox/slam_toolbox__srvs__SerializePoseGraph.js:11:12)
    [] at _clients.forEach (/home/husarion/rclnodejs/lib/node.js:71:39)
    [] at Array.forEach ()
    [] at ShadowNode.execute (/home/husarion/rclnodejs/lib/node.js:70:19)
    [ERROR] []: process has died [pid 22444, exit code 1, cmd ‘/home/husarion/husarion_ws/install/route_admin_panel/lib/route_admin_panel/ -s false --min 10 --max 250’].

Hi grayfox,

Thank you for reporting this, but we already know about this issue and working on it. Fix should be released in next week.

Sorry for inconvenience.

Best regards,

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