RSSI Heatmap


I would like to know if it is possible to get a heatmap wifi without going through husarnet. If so, how do I go about it? Do I have to connect using ssh, remote desktop or something else?

and if it’s possible, do I have to modify the scripts given in the project provided by husarion?

or specific commands to be typed int a terminal to launch mapping and RVIZ?

Thank you for your reply Tom AUDRAN

Hello @Tom_Audran,

The task described above can most likely be performed without the use of a Husarnet. However, you need to change the way you transfer data from the robot to the PC. I recommend running it according to the instructions first and if everything works, try adding your own changes.

The demo you refer to is quite old and would require renovation. We will be focusing on other issues over the next few months, so don’t expect an update.

I hope I helped at least a little,

Thank you for your answer. However if I can do without husarion how should I do? How can I manage wifi reception and mapping without following the obsolete project?

Sincerely Tom Audran

Furthermore, how can I manage the sending of digital map data + wifi from the robot to the computer without using husarnet?

Hello @Tom_Audran,

If your devices are on the same LAN, you can use the built-in ROS functions to transfer data. Examples of topic submissions can be found here: Robot Network | Husarion.
I don’t know all the steps in the project you’re talking about, but if everything is sent via ROS topics, it should be enough.



Thank you for your answer, but I wanted to know if I need to download ROS on my computer to communicate with the robot.

Best regards,
Tom Audran.

Hello again

Do you have any suggestions on how I can create an RSSI heatmap ?

Best regards,
Tom Audran.

Hello @Tom_Audran,

Please consider whether your requirements do not differ too much from those presented in our project. If you don’t want to use Husarnet or ROS in your project, this article may not be for you. The project is intended to use the ROSbot platform and measure Wi-Fi power at several dozen points, from which it then generates a map. To create the map itself, you can use these point interpolation as it is done in the presented project
