SearchDir angle change too large

i have hokuyo 04LX UG01 when i run hector slam i get this error SearchDir angle change too large

and sometimes this error [hector_mapping-11] process has died [pid 28540, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/hector_mapping/hector_mapping __name:=hector_mapping __log:=/home/letsgeomat/.ros/log/1eff2f9e-0061-11e8-b2a8-548ca0efeab7/hector_mapping-11.log]. log file: /home/letsgeomat/.ros/log/1eff2f9e-0061-11e8-b2a8-548ca0efeab7/hector_mapping-11*.log

when i use laser_scan_matcher the mapping work well

Hi abdelkrim.

Of course, there are people knowledgeable about ROS here, but your problem looks very specific. I suggest to create also similar topic on this forum, they probably met the same problem as yours.
