I am trying to configure Raspberry PI 4 SBC with CORE2-ROS controller (modified with new resistors supporting I2C at the end 2019). Talking about ROSBOT.
I know you guys are not supporting RPI 4 yet, so I am installing everything in there from scratch, including the following:
- Ubuntu Mate 20.04
- python3
- ROS Noetic full
- STM32Loader - stm32loader | Husarion GitHub - husarion/stm32loader: Flash firmware to STM32 microcontrollers using Python.
- ROSBOT_EKF - GitHub - husarion/rosbot_ekf
- For serial communications, I set port=/dev/serial1 (this one is running on my RPI), and I set baudrate=525000
- /dev/serial1 → ttyAMA0
- Flashed COR2-ROS with https://files.husarion.com/rosbot-firmware/rosbot-2.0-fw-v0.14.3-noetic.bin , seems the same as firmware.bin for ROS Noetic image for Tinker Board provided by Husarion
- configured rosserial_bridge.launch:
As result, RPi.GPIO test works, ROS Noetic works with rviz, rgt_graph.
However I could not establish serial communications with CORE2-ROS with following error:
[INFO] [1641958937.312490]: ROS Serial Python Node
[INFO] [1641958937.329470]: Connecting to /dev/serial1 at 525000 baud
[ERROR] [1641958937.338039]: Error opening serial: [Errno 13] could not open port /dev/serial1: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/dev/serial1’
Also, I have few questions to make sure that all required packages installed properly.
- Do you have procedure or documentation describing which packages should be installed from scratch if you are not using pre-packaged images? As far as I know (and I tested as well), ASUS Tinker Board full images provided by Husarion don’t work on RPI.
- Should CORE2-ROS firmware for ROS Noetic work with RPI as is?
- You also you mentioned about docker containers that might work on RPI and Tinker. From the Husarion · GitHub or Docker Hub which one’s do you recommend installing on RPI 4?
Thank you very much!