[Solved] After OS reinstall, gedit install, and sudo apt update error


I reinstall the OS. I use img file link below.

  1. Afterwards, when trying to install gedit using the command sudo apt install gedit in the terminal, the “Waiting for cache lock” message keeps repeating as shown in the provided screenshot. How can this issue be resolved?

  2. Furthermore, when running sudo apt update , I encounter the error shown in the provided screenshot.

Thank you.

When I reboot the first problem is solved.

Hello @chokings

May I ask where did you get the download link for the system image?
What robot and SBC are you installing the system on?

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hi @JanBrzyk

I download the image link below.

I use ROSbot 2.0 and Asus board.

Thank you.

Hi @chokings

I see two separate errors here

  1. ROS error - I encourage you to visit other sites like: apt update: signatures were invalid: F42ED6FBAB17C654 - ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum

  2. Husarnet error
    Let me know the result of the command:
    ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hi @JanBrzyk

  1. I checked the link and the result is shown in figure below.


Thank you.

Okay @chokings

execute the commands below and let me know about the result:

sudo apt remove husarnet
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/husarnet
curl -s https://install.husarnet.com/install.sh | sudo bash

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

Hello @JanBrzyk

Thank you!

After reinstall the husarnet the `sudo apt update are work properly.

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