[Solved] Limit robot speeds when using Joystick

Hi there,

How can I limit the speed of the robot when using the joystick app provided to the Panther Robot?

I’ve found the param.yaml file for the planned route but for manual mode I can’t seem to find it.



I have already tried to change scale linear param value in the panther_joy.launch file. No changes.

Hi mmor,

I’m sorry for the long response. The launch file in which you can scale speeds of joystick is this one:

I hope it will solve the problem.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Wojciechowski

Hi Krzysztof,

I see that the package that you have sent me is used with CAN interfaces and real joysticks. I was just interested in limiting the speed from the virtual joystick from the webui version. Is it the same?


this launch file starts webui with

<group if="$(arg webui_joy)">
        <arg name="wait_nodes" default=""/>
        <arg name="linear_scale" default="1" />
        <arg name="angular_scale" default="1" />
        <arg name="node_name" default="webui_node_server"/>

        <node pkg="webui-ros-joystick" type="node_server.sh" name="$(arg node_name)" output="screen" args=" --wait $(arg wait_nodes) --lin $(arg linear_scale) --ang $(arg angular_scale)"/>

linear_scale and angular_scale are passed to frontend and scale up or down the speed. By changing this you can slow down the robot without many changes.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Wojciechowski

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