Hey there,
i have the new rosbot firmware for mbed. I already flashe the new image so everything is up to date.
When i run the rosbot_ekf all.launch I get the /mpu9250 and the /imu topics. But when i run rostopic echo for /imu i did not get any output. When i run the rostopic echo for /mpu9250 i get “ERROR: Cannot load message class for [rosbot_ekf/Imu]. Are your messages built?” What is the problem with it ?
I have not the Rosbot, i just have the Core2 and ordered the MPU-9250 seperatly. The sdl is connected to SENS2_PIN3 the sda to SENS2_PIN4, the int to SENS2_PIN1.
Thank you
Hi PlanBRobot,
It looks like you don’t have built rosbot_ekf
May I ask you which image did you flash what SBC do you use with CORE2?
Best regards,
Hi Hubert,
I flashed the Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic image for the RaspberryPi.
I use the RaspberryPi with the CORE2.
Tank you
Hi Hubert,
i figured out, that it is possible to get values from “rostopic echo /mpu9250”. But its just possible on the CORE2.
On my Master Machine i havent built does messages, i thing this is the problem why i can´t see them there.
Problem with the messages i get is, that the values don´t change. I also run the mpu on an Raspi and it worked so it´s not damaged or something like that. This is the output i get from /mpu9250:
seq: 58496
secs: 1600687804
nsecs: 305367118
frame_id: ‘’
x: 1.10114283143e-19
y: 3.85212667089e-34
z: 3.85216156838e-34
w: 3.86409650946e-34
angular_velocity: [3.8641001828798896e-34, 3.864103856299736e-34, 3.864107529719582e-34]
linear_acceleration: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Thank you
Hi PlanBRobot,
Please build this pkg in your Master machine workspace: GitHub - husarion/rosbot_ekf
It will fix your issue.
Best regards,
Hi Hubert,
I built the package on my master machine workspace but still get no changes for the values:
seq: 27814
secs: 1600759984
nsecs: 511863014
frame_id: ‘’
x: 1.10114283143e-19
y: 3.85212667089e-34
z: 3.85216156838e-34
w: 3.86409650946e-34
angular_velocity: [3.8641001828798896e-34, 3.864103856299736e-34, 3.864107529719582e-34]
linear_acceleration: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Best regards
Hi PlanBRobot,
Please flash this .bin file on your CORE2:
Using port microUSB on CORE2 (with MPU connect to hSens2 port) and for example your laptop, connect UART with this parameters:
230400, 8N1, no flow control
You should see Euler angles. This test will show us where the problem is.
Best regards,
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After a long time seaching for a solution Hubert figured out that an pin is damaged and thats the reason why the MPU did not work. Changed the wiring from hSens2 to hExt. Now i get data from MPU.
Big thanks to Hubert who spend a lot of time for helping me!!