[Solved] Ros-melodic-nmea-navsat-driver install


When I try to install ros-melodic-nmea-navsat-driver by running the command sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-nmea-navsat-driver in the terminal, it fails with the following error message.

I have already tried sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade .

How can I resolve this issue?

Thank you.


did sudo apt update pass successfully for you?

Best regards
Jan Brzyk


There are some error and fail messages.

Thank you.


are you sure you are connected to the Internet with your robot?

Best regards
Jan Brzyk

yes, of course!
I connect the internet with my robot.
Thank you.

Furthermore, even when following the tutorial linked below to install PlotJuggler, the installation process does not proceed successfully.


I have reinstalled the robot’s OS using ros-melodic-arm-2021-02-01.img and tried sudo apt update again, but I am still experiencing the same failure.

I have resolved the issue by following the instructions in the post provided in the link. However, when I execute gedit ~/.bashrc , I encounter the following message.


Hi @chokings,
The installation problem is caused by old packages in apt. By not updating packages you download the no longer existing nmea-msgs version from 2020 instead of 2022.

As apt update doesn’t work. I have a couple of suggestions to solve the problem. Check them out and please tell me if any of the options worked:

  1. Try to solve the problem with Husarnet. You have quite an old melodic image with an old version of Husarnet installed. Perhaps these warnings are blocking the apt update command from executing correctly. To do so, please follow this topic: Reinstalling Husarnet Client app on Linux - Husarnet - remove the key and install Husarnet again (you shouldn’t put curl https://install.husarnet.com/repo.key | sudo apt-key add - to your .bashrc file).

  2. Last days there was a problem with apt and maybe the problem solved itself. apt commands such as apt update --fix-mising, apt clean, add-apt-repository --remove ppa:whatever/ppa may be useful

  3. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.

  4. If the problem persists, it may be faster to use the noetic image. The change may be particularly significant because ROS melodic will no longer be officially supported from May 2023.

Hi, @RafalGorecki
I have resolved the issue of sudo apt update failing by following the methods suggested in the article provided below.

However, after that, when I execute gedit ~/.bashrc , I encounter the following error, as shown in the image.

  1. curl https://install.husarnet.com/repo.key | sudo apt-key add - is worked properly.
    However, I continue to encounter warning messages when executing gedit ~/.bashrc .

It’s really hard to tell why you have this issue. But you can try following steps:

  1. Open the .bashrc file with root privileges:
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
  1. If the above command doesn’t work, try changing the permissions of the .cache/dconf directory.
sudo chmod -R 777 ~/.cache/dconf
  1. Manually create home/user/.cache/dconf/user file and add all permissions.
mkdir -p ~/.cache/dconf
touch ~/.cache/dconf/user
sudo chmod 777 ~/.cache/dconf/user
  1. Revert .bashrc to default configuration:
    How do I restore .bashrc to its default? - Ask Ubuntu.
cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/.bashrc

Tell me if something works for you.

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Hi, @RafalGorecki.

Thank you for the reply.

When I open the .bashrc with sudo, it work without CRITICAL issues!

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