[Solved] ROSbot-xl with Jetson Nano - HowToStart Issue

I was setting up the rosbot-xl using the guide. This has the jetson nano. So i get to part of starting the driver(docker way because ros2 humble can’t be installed on jetson nano).
I access the rosbot-xl container: “docker exec -it rosbot-xl bash”
Then I have to source ros2 using: “source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash”
without this it returns “ros2: command not found”
Then after that when I do ros2 topic list some are missing and sometimes only two show up /parameter_events and /rosout and node list comes back empty

Pls elp

Hi @Pro,
let’s see what whole logs says. Please run the containers without the -d flag to see the output logs in the terminal and attach the logs.

docker compose up

Best regards,
Jakub Delicat

Hi @JakubDelicat
Here are logs

rosbot-xl | [ros2_control_node-1] [WARN] [1705558122.676423082] [RosbotImuSensor]: Feedback message from imu wasn’t received yet

The logs shows that the microros haven’t created entities jet. There are 2 possible solutions:

  1. The rosbot_xl_firmware restart takes quite long time so you can wait a maximum of 2 minutes for microros entities initialization.
  2. The second solution is to run docker container and press the MCU reset on the rear panel of ROSbot XL if you don’t want to wait. After a while It should appear the green logs with microros entities initialization.

Please let me know if any of these solutions helped you.

Best regards,
Jakub Delicat

waited for more than 2 minutes this showed up. Also tried pressing the MCU reset button but nothing changed, no green logs. Also, LED2 is flashing.

It looks like something happened to the firmware.

  1. Please try to ping the firmware:
  1. Show the compose.yaml file.
  2. Does the animation of leds around robots keep going?

Best regards,

  1. Was not able to ping (100% packet lost)

  2. Compose.yaml

  3. The LEDs around the robot do not turn on

Please show the network configuration of the robot.

ip a

So the interface eth0 should have the ip adress
Does your network configuration in /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml have this:


        name: eth*
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp6: no
      optional: true

according the template file from ROSbot XL - quick start | Husarion under the section See the Netplan configuration file?

I haven’t noticed these logs earlier.
Please try to replace:

        name: eth*
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp6: no
      optional: true


      dhcp4: no
      dhcp6: no
      optional: true

then sudo netplan -d apply. Check if the ip a gives the ip address ( of the eth0 interface. If so try to run docker compose up.

Ok that solved the problem. Robot is now moving. Really appreciate the help.

Thank You,

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Great! Thank you for the issue. We are updating the docs.
I’m closing.

Best regards,
Jakub Delicat

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