[Solved] ROSbot2R battery charging

I’m curious about the battery charging process. During charging at the default, Li3S at 1.5A for several hours, I am unclear what is being displayed on the second screen. I see two rows of three numbers which are the battery voltages I guess. Three on the bottom are 0.0, only got 3 batteries. The first number on the top is always 0.0. The second number seems to be always 4.20. The third number bounces all over the range. At the end of charging beep, the numbers remain the same. However, my ROSbot does not power up, meaning there are no LEDs lit during battery operation. Both LEDs light as normal during power supply usage. Should I try replacing my batteries? Due to difficulties after delivery, this is my first chance to charge the batteries and use them. Sorry for the delay.

OUCH! That would appear to be the case. I removed the batteries and placed them in my versatile charger. One is indeed dead and will not charge. The ROSbot2R battery holder is slightly larger than any of my 18650 batteries in my lab. Boo! I’ll keep trying to find a fit so that I may continue with the autonomous driving tutorial. I ain’t mobile yet.

I believe I should also add that the charger is set to 3Ser but only recognizes 1Ser.


Now I don’t know if it’s my charger, my batteries, the charging circuit? My ROSbot2R was opened to change a power cable to the RPLidar so I hope I did not disturb something. I think I need help now.

Hello Joe,

please start with a thorough review of our ROSbot battery charging manual available here, checking the correct location of the battery in the robot and going through the tutorial again step by step.

Please note that each single battery has an internal safety feature that disables it completely and may activate in some cases of other use.

I just sent you an e-mail related to another issue, where I proposed a meeting where we can also look at the battery issue if it is not resolved by now.

Jan Brzyk
Husarion Team

My battery issue is now resolved after what us old-timers used to say…RTFM

I am glad the problem has been resolved!

If you want, you can share here what exactly the problem was. What did you improve after using the manual?

Jan Brzyk
Husarion Team

Found a picture of the rear panel in the hardware manual that showed me the correct battery charging port location. A silkscreen on the actual panel might be useful.

Thank you very much for the explanation. Then the problem has been identified and resolved.

Jan Brzyk
Husarion Team