[Solved] Ubuntu and ros noetic: Mismatched protocol version in packet


I had problems with the Rosbot 2.0 PRO and I decided to update it to the newer version, but when I run “roslaunch rosbot_ekf all.launch rosbot_pro:=true” the following problem appears " Mismatched protocol version in packet (b’\xfd’): lost sync or rosserial_python is from different ros release than the rosserial clien" would you help me to solve this problem?.

I would appreciate your help.


Hello @Yams and welcome to the Husarion Community!

Can you clarify what you mean by “newer version”? Is it a new OS image? If so, did you choose a system with ROS Noetic or ROS 2 Foxy?

Best regards
Jan Brzyk


Thank you for responding, I mean to the version of ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic, since previously I had ROS Melodic with the corresponding version of ubuntu.


Hello @Yams,

Do you have the latest firmware installed?
The easiest way to run a minimal ROSbot 2 PRO setup is to use the Docker Containers.

Materials for both of the above can be found in the Quick Start Guide for ROSbot 2 PRO.

Let me know about the results.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk


Thank you very much for your help, the problem was solved. But now I have problems when running
“roslaunch astra_camera astra.launch” I get the following message:

[ERROR] [1659838144.913676495]: Unsupported color video mode - Resolution: 640x480@15Hz Format: RGB888

Could you help me solve the problem please?


Hello @Yams,

I replied in other thread: Astra Camera unsupported color video mode-Resolution

The problem described in this thread is solved.

Best regards
Jan Brzyk