Updated with new info. Rgb and depth decompression issue with wrongly formed image

Trying to get Husarion tutorial_9 to work onROSBOT2 successfully. Have everything running except getting an error message when both rgb_decompression AND depth_decompression are running. Can run entire launch file on pc with either decompression in the launch file successfully but with BOTH, get the following error.

process[rviz-1]: started with pid [1579]
process[rgb_decompress-2]: started with pid [1580]
process[depth_decompress-3]: started with pid [1581]
process[find_object_2d-4]: started with pid [1582]
process[explore_server-5]: started with pid [1586]
process[search_manager-6]: started with pid [1590]
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘cv_bridge::Exception’
what(): Image is wrongly formed: step < width * byte_depth * num_channels or 640 != 640 * 2 * 1
================================================================================REQUIRED process [find_object_2d-4] has died!
process has died [pid 1582, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/find_object_2d/find_object_2d rgb/image_rect_color:=/rgb_raw depth_registered/image_raw:=/depth_raw depth_registered/camera_info:=/camera/depth/camera_info __name:=find_object_2d __log:=/home/husarion/.ros/log/2cc02038-69bb-11e9-81af-80c5f2fe5529/find_object_2d-4.log].
log file: /home/husarion/.ros/log/2cc02038-69bb-11e9-81af-80c5f2fe5529/find_object_2d-4*.log
Initiating shutdown!

[search_manager-6] killing on exit
[explore_server-5] killing on exit
[find_object_2d-4] killing on exit
[depth_decompress-3] killing on exit
[rgb_decompress-2] killing on exit

Cannot find helpful information to continue with project.

ROSBOT - Compression launch file lines:

<node pkg="image_transport" type="republish" name="rgb_compress" args=" raw in:=/camera/rgb/image_raw compressed out:=/rgb_republish"/>
<node pkg="image_transport" type="republish" name="depth_compress" args=" raw in:=/camera/depth/image_raw compressed out:=/depth_republish">
    <param name="compressed/format" value="png"/>
    <param name="compressed/png_level" value="1"/>

Decompress launch file bits from pc:

<node pkg="image_transport" type="republish" name="rgb_decompress" args=" compressed in:=/rgb_republish raw out:=/rgb_raw">
    <param name="compressed/mode" value="color"/>

<node pkg="image_transport" type="republish" name="depth_decompress" args=" compressed in:=/depth_republish raw out:=/depth_raw ">
    <param name="compressed/mode" value="unchanged"/>

Where do I go from here?

Found the real issue. How do I resolve this error. roslaunch the following script to see my conversion error. Need to use decompressed depth image with cv_bridge eventually.
Running on ROSBot2, core2, ubuntu 16.04
I think I just need to add a parameter or two to the script but have not found them yet.
viewing original /camera/depth/image_raw is ok but cannot view after it is compressed/decompressed.

<node pkg="image_transport" type="republish" name="depth_compress" args=" raw in:=/camera/depth/image_raw compressed out:=/depth_republish">
    <param name="compressed/format" value="png"/>
    <param name="compressed/png_level" value="1"/>

<node pkg="image_transport" type="republish" name="depth_decompress" args=" compressed in:=/depth_republish raw out:=/depth_raw">
    <param name="compressed/mode" value="unchanged"/>

<node pkg="image_view" type="image_view" name="image_view">
    <remap from="/image" to="/depth_raw"/>

Hello garrisdw,

There was introduced some updates to ROSbot configuration for better compression handling.
You will need to install additional package, both on ROSbot and device receiving compressed image:

sudo apt install ros-kinetic-compressed-depth-image-transport

Launch file needs to be modified on ROSbot:

<node pkg="image_transport" type="republish" name="depth_republish" args=" raw in:=/camera/depth/image_raw compressedDepth out:=/depth_republish">
    <param name="compressedDepth/format" value="png"/>
    <param name="compressedDepth/png_level" value="1"/>

And on receiving device:

<node pkg="image_transport" type="republish" name="depth_decompress" args=" compressedDepth in:=/depth_republish raw out:=/depth_raw ">
    <param name="compressed/mode" value="unchanged"/>
