Using the IMU of the Rosbot

Hi everyone!
We are trying to use the IMU of the Rosbot, however when running the examples the robot goes straight into error state. This is of course because the pins of the IMU sensor are not correctly defined yet. However we don’t know which pins we need to define and to which adress. We want to get the raw data of the IMU in C++ so we can further process this data. Any help would be great!

Hi Dennis, in the web IDE (, in a project template “08. self-balancing telepresence MPU9250 DMP (CORE2)” there is MPU9250 Arduino library ported to hFramework. There is also a simple class showing how to initialize this sensor.
We will also modify one of the ROS tutorials (ROS Introduction | Husarion ) to present how to use IMU in robot navigation.