Willow garage .world and .pgm map?


I am running ros kinetic, Gazebo7

I need to run rosbot2 in Gazebo world representing willow garage,

In the terminal, if I run the command:
roslaunch gazebo_ros willowgarage_world.launch
Gazebo can launch willow garage world.

Can I use the map and yaml file which their link found at the end of this page:

Are they the same as the world?

Many thanks,

Hi Eman,

it seems like .pgm and .yaml files on the wiki page don’t have all rooms mapped. I would suggest mapping rooms on your own to ensure the map will be exactly as you want.

Can I use the map and yaml file which their link found at the end of this page:
navigation/Tutorials/Writing A Global Path Planner As Plugin in ROS - ROS Wiki

The map itself will work and ROSBot should be able to navigate with it. I can not guarantee you that this map will perfectly match this world. Also for more details on this world and its map, I would suggest consulting Willow Garage.

Best Regards,
Krzysztof Wojciechowski.