[docker] Updating Panther's built-in computer panther_ros from 2.0.4 to ros2-devel

Hi Husarion Team,

This is linked to other topic opened by my colleague Sylvain : Panther + ROS2 - user computer soft shutdown doesn't work - #4 by JakubDelicat

When trying to adapt the compose.yaml to this version (husarion/panther:humble-ros2-devel), I encountered the following error :

[spawner-5] RuntimeError: Setting namespace through both '--namespace panther' arg and the ROS 2 standard way '--ros-args -r __ns:=/panther' is not allowed!

How can we fix that ? I guess this has to do with some launch file but I’m not sure I’ll be able to debug that easily.


Hello @Arnaudb,

Thank you for the information. As I understand on version 2.1.1, this issue is not resolved?

@JakubDelicat is on vacation for the next few days. I took a quick look at the changes, and it seems to me that the changes are correct, but he was working on a branch containing a bug. I have just released a build with corrections. It should be available in about 1 hour (check it here). Could I ask you to check if setting the image with the husarion/panther:humble-shutdown-patch tag solves your problem?
