Panther + ROS2 - user computer soft shutdown doesn't work

Hi everyone,

We are currently working with a Panther to which we have connected a user computer (an Up Board).
The communication between the two computer is ok: we can send and receive commands from the Up Board.

We now want to implement the soft shutdown function but we are encountering an issue. I followed the instructions in the manual for a custom configuration (User Computers | Husarion) but the Up Board seems to don’t receive soft shutdown signal.

Could you help me?

Here is the configuration:

  • ROS 2 Humble (docker in the RPi, conda environment in the Up Board)
  • Ubuntu 22.04 (on both RPi and Up Board)
  • panther_ros container: humble-2.0.4-20240628
  • Up Board IP: (static)

Hi @Sylvain,
please send us logs from the Built-In Computer after this line:

[panther.safety_manager]: Soft shutdown initialized. Power button pressed

To see the logs type:

docker compose logs panther_ros 

Best regards,
Jakub Delicat

Hi @JakubDelicat,

Thanks for your response.

Here are the logs:

And here are my compose and shutdown_hosts yaml files:


Best regards,
Sylvain Dewez

Thank you for reporting the bug.

We can recreate the bug and it will be resolved in the next release.

I have pushed the hotfix to our docker hub and it should be available with husarion/panther:humble-ros2-devel tag for you.

Please replace husarion/panther:humble-2.0.4-20240628 with husarion/panther:humble-ros2-devel in compse.yaml file. I also inform that this hotfix was provided on version husarion/panther:humble-2.1.0-20240723. For more informations look at the changelogs in our packages on panther_ros.

Please let me know if the changes worked for you.

Best regards,