Your first experience using Ralph telepresence robot

[quote=“neonindigo, post:41, topic:29”]
The wheels are spinning, but i think i may have put the sensor on the wrong way round, as it wants to move away from the direction it is faling in, instead of the same way, if you get what i mean.
[/quote] Maybe you should try to swap motor ports (hMot3 & hMot4)? In other words connect cable that goes to hMot3 to hMot4 and hMot4 to hMot3.

It looks really cool! I look forward to see how you will control your Ralph by brainwaves :slight_smile: . “Supports Win32/64, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Debian 8.3 Jessie (armhf)” - at the beginning I suggest using single board computer with Linux (Intel Edison, RaspberryPi etc.), and through serial port send control signals to your Ralph.

Second option: we are going to prepare iOS and Android SDK, to develop not only part of firmware running on RoboCORE but also on smartphones/tablets. When it will be ready you will be able to make custom “RoboCORE apps” for your robot.

We are also working on REST API for RoboCORE, so you will be able to write software to control your Ralph through any other interface than web browser, e.g. Emotiv, from any place in the world (with Internet access).

It looks very promising! Let us know about the progress. In case of any problems don’t hesitate to ask.

Hello I’m just assembled Ralph but I’d got a lot of trouble withe the Ralph online platform
The video is ok but once the motors started the platform were disconnected . Sometimes the platform remains connected but ralph doesn’t work and the different commands in the platform remains useless .
thanks for your contribution and help

Hi mariospace, try using new alkaline batteries. More about power supply can be found here: . Not enough power supply is the most probable issue. I hope this will help.

Hi, OK its all working, and im looking forward to seeing your new developments, especially the REST API. Im looking through the PlatformUI API references and tutorials at the moment. For the Emotiv, im going to see if i can just define a thought pattern for each of the asdw keys and get the computer to convert the patterns to a keypress while im using the WebUI. That should work i reckon…

So its great to have it working on its own, but i feel like its moving around like a sedated old lady. Is there a way to supercharge the motors a little bit? If i position the battery packs closer to the ground will that screw up the balance, or make it balance itself more easily? With the phone and the batteries so high, it feels a little top heavy. What if i upgrade the motors? Do i need to, or can i just ‘turn up the speed setting’ a bit?

Also, can i deploy the kickstand from the WebUI? - i can see the status indicator, but can i flick it down if i want to talk to someone in the same place for a long period of time?

Also, i think i need some more hardware. A rechargeable battery pack would be cool, with some covers for the batteries so they dont fall out, and something that i can just recharge the phone and the batteries from the same power source would be a good idea too. Any suggestions where i could buy suitable upgrades?

Hi, it’s great to hear that everything works well. You should be able to use use kickstand from a newest version of WebUI. Just change a firmware of your Ralph: IDE → Create project → template: ralph_firmware_v3 , name it and push “create” button. With this firmware you will see a button: “Click here to stop”.

Article about power supply can be found here: . Generally we use 3 Li-Ion/Li-Poly cells in our Ralph, like this: .

Nice thanks Dominic :smile: thanks for the links

I was thinking - can i get a Doppelt kit and maybe a Hussar too? I bought 3 Ralphs and i’ve got one working, but now im looking at the Hussar and thinking that the other models are pretty awesome - i cant see them in your store though? Can you send me a link for the kits maybe? Are they still available now the Kickstarter is over?

Hello Ralph Tank

Which of the kits would you suggest to use with the Ralph? Would this tank one work if i had some new motors to go with it?

Hi, this tank looks very good, and will work with RoboCORE. The probably only thing you have to do is to use hSensor/hMotor stripboard or solder RJ12 cable directly to the motor - .

We don’t have Hussars and Doppelts in our store - our mission is to help people like you to make your own, much better :).